Saturday, 14 February 2015

February Fun

She loves her oven drawer!

This little monkey can climb onto the couch with just a little help (a pile of books or whatever), climb onto the arm rests, climb to the top of the couch then stand and bang her hands on the window! Sheesh!

Pretty snowy owl.

First family skidoo ride! B did great!

Spaghetti on Thursday... Sluuuurrrrpp!

Left-overs on Friday, still fun!

We started up the renos again a few weeks back. In the picture Jared's dad is helping put up the styrofoam insulation on the slanted ceilings. Currently almost half of this room is dry-walled. Jared has this next week off while his boss is on a missions trip, so hopefully we will be able to fly through this room and begin working on the rest of the upstairs.

I got some new glasses!

Baby B is not going to be a baby for long! We are just a couple weeks away from her first birthday! I'm excited to be making her a cake!

Did I mention my sweetie got her monkey genetics from me???

Little buddies! These little kiddos are exactly 1 month apart :)