Friday, 29 April 2016

A Weekend With Grandma and Grandpa

My parents came out last weekend for a little visit. Unfortunately it wasn't very nice out, so we stayed inside for most of it. My girls loved the extra attention that "Gama and Gampa Tays" gave them :)

Monday, 11 April 2016

Sadie is 7 Months Old!

Looking back I realized I wrote up a blurb for Bekah when she turned 7 months, so I thought I would do the same for Sadie...

Sadie At 7 Months

Crawling. Crawling. Crawling.

Thinking about climbing those stairs.

Exploring her taste buds: avocados, pears and strawberries seem to be favorites.

Still has a blocked tear duct.

Loves her big sister.


Gives the sweetest and tightest hugs.

Loves to scratch and pull hair.

Loves taking a bath, she tries to climb in the tub by herself.

Pulls herself up on different things in our home, often tumbling over :(


Saturday, 9 April 2016

Easy Homemade Oreo Ice Ceam Cake

This year Jared requested that I make him an Oreo Ice Cream Cake for his birthday, which I was more than willing to do! I hit up Pinterest and came up with this gem. Do yourself and your family a favor and make this deliciousness! Enjoy!

Easy Homemade Oreo Ice Cream Cake

Monday, 4 April 2016

Starting To Feel Like Spring

Enjoying her new bike-a birthday present from Jared and me.

This little sweetheart is usually so content playing on the floor.

Hiking with Daddy.

I gave Bekah a little hair trim, just to even things out a bit.
Happy Baby

We all got sick 2 weeks ago, but our girlies got the worst of it. They both were throwing up everything and sleeping constantly. Thankfully the next day they were both back to their normal and silly selves. 

Enjoying the beautiful weather here on Saturday!!

Little Goofball.

We bought Sadie this little mesh feeder and we LOVE it! She hated being fed with a spoon, so this works so much better. I only wish we would have got this when Bekah was this age!