Sunday, 21 August 2016

5 Day Club

This past week I hosted a 5 day club in our back yard! It was a new experience for me and for many in our community. I didn't realize how easy hosting a 5 day club would be. All that was required of me was to put up posters and open up my yard for 1 hour each day. We provided water and a snack, although that wasn't a requirement. After the first day and after we realized how many kids were coming (2 iced cream pails of cookies almost gone!!) I had a few volunteers to help make cookies for our club

The total number of kids we had was about 45, although it was a bit hard to calculate because many younger siblings and parents were there as well. The first 2 days were very hot, so we huddled in the shade of our house. The next 3 days were a bit cooler which was very comfortable. It was exciting to see kids excited about God and having fun together. I hope to host one next year as well!

Monday, 8 August 2016

For any of you that have not heard yet, my friend Sam, and I started a little antler jewelry business. Please check it out!   Click here!!