Monday, 22 September 2014

Donuts, Harvest, Baby, 5K

So.. I've been meaning to make donuts ALL summer, but hadn't gotten around to it until this past week.
Something about an old grain truck. :)

I know this picture is blurry, I really wish it wasn't, but I still like this picture anyway. I was a little too embarrassed to be snapping phone pics in front of grandpa that I wasn't going to retake it just because it turned out blurry. Anyways...While Bekah and I were waiting for a combine ride Grandpa K kept us company. Grandparents have a way of simplifying life. They say it like it is and tell of how it used to be. I like that.  

Daddy's girl.
This is a house in town that is being torn down. They are taking off smaller sections at a time and in the process it reminds me of a doll house. How fun!

This girl has been pulling herself up to stand! We lowered he crib because both Jared and I have found her hanging on to the railing.. crazy kiddo.

In this picture I think my little sweetheart looks just like her daddy did when he was a baby!

This past Saturday Jared's sister and I  ran a 5K together, I ran pushing Bekah in her stroller. It was such a beautiful day for a run and afterwards we enjoyed eating a BIG breakfast at Humpty's to fill our hollow legs.


  1. That's why you look so good - donuts AND a 5K run. Lol. Bekah has grown SO much. Can't wait to see you guys soon!!

    1. Haha, ya that's my secret ;) I can't wait to see you all at thanksgiving!

  2. Great harvest photos. Good to be a part of it , at any age!
