Nothing seemed blog-worthy. Except a cute movie of Bekah gnawing on our wooden kitchen chairs, but for some reason that video just didn't want to load.
Next my laptop cord stopped working, which kept me from blogging once again. Thankfully we ordered one in and I'm ready to give some sort of update on life.
We visited my family for Thanksgiving and got to partake in all the activities: lots of food, getting the flu, combine/grain buggy rides, catching up with good friends, spending time with family!
We enjoyed getting to spend time with a African children's choir at youth group and hearing them perform the next day. It was awesome!
Bekah went to her first Riders game! It was a bit chilly, so we all bundled up. It was too noisy for Bekah's liking, but thankfully she slept for at least a part of the game :)
Other than that..
Bekah is getting close to 9 months and is a very fun and busy girl. She keeps me sweeping and vacuuming A LOT, but even then she's always finding SOMETHING to pick up (and put in her mouth).
Yesterday whitetail season opened in our area and Bekah came along on her first hunting trip (nap time). Jared shot a buck and I'm hoping to get something as well yet.
I've enjoyed designing our Christmas card this year and I look forward to getting some Christmas shopping in, hopefully soon.
Riding in the grain buggy with cousin Ethan |
Driving :) |
Look at me, ma! |
Bundled up at the Riders Game |
Mommy's snow angel |
Sweetest grin |
Getting into ALL the cupboards :) |
Bekah is just so beautiful! She has your eyes. :)