Monday, 12 September 2016

End Of Summer Recap

As always, summer flew by too fast. Here are some pictures of us enjoying the end of summer!
Stroller Buddies

Mmmm cookie dough!

Nom nom nom

Nummy Icecream

This girl also loves her icecream :)

Morning Mischief

We set up the tent in our yard one evening and Bekah and I had a sleepover together!

Jumping over a sprinkler

Someone got a bit too close to the sprinkler :(


We made the girls a mud kitchen for outside and they have had a lot of fun getting very muddy!

Grandma Dyck came out for a visit last weekend, we had a nice visit and the girls had a lot of fun too! :)

Happy Girl!

We found a cool old school park with a tire-horsy merry-go-round type swing. It was very fun!

Checking out her birthday gift from us

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Sadie!!

Jared just checking out his antlers

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