Monday, 29 December 2014

'Tis The Season

So... I have this bad habit of not taking pictures when we go places. I guess it's probably a good thing because I'm "living in the moment"but still, I have no pictures to show of things. We drove to my parents for a week over Christmas and I think I took less than 10 pictures and they were all of Bekah, haha.

We were out for 6 days and it flew by too fast! It was a great trip spent with my family and I was thankful to catch up with a few good friends as well. Oh, and I ate WAAAYY to much food, but HEY 'tis the season :D

Little B test driving her sweet new ride!

Playing hockey at Grandma and Grandpa T's.

Grandpa fed this little nugget a chocolate turtle. I think she liked it.

Fancy Christmas outfit!
Nom Nom Nom.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Swim Time, Parcels, 9 Months, Silly Baby

Excited for swim time in the tub! 

We received a Christmas parcel in the mail from grandma T

We have had some beautiful weather so far this month, so we usually go on a walk each day

Little B turned 9 Months!

She's got a good view at what I'm baking :)

Everything in the cupboard comes out, baby goes in

Friday, 28 November 2014

Deer oh Deer

This little sweetheart opens up the drawer under the stove and hops right in :)



First deer shot by this Momma. :D

Friday, 21 November 2014

It's Been A While

It has been a while since I posted anything.

Nothing seemed blog-worthy. Except a cute movie of Bekah gnawing on our wooden kitchen chairs, but for some reason that video just didn't want to load.

Next my laptop cord stopped working, which kept me from blogging once again. Thankfully we ordered one in and I'm ready to give some sort of update on life.

We visited my family for Thanksgiving and got to partake in all the activities: lots of food, getting the flu, combine/grain buggy rides, catching up with good friends, spending time with family!

We enjoyed getting to spend time with a African children's choir at youth group and hearing them perform the next day. It was awesome!

Bekah went to her first Riders game! It was a bit chilly, so we all bundled up. It was too noisy for Bekah's liking, but thankfully she slept for at least a part of the game :)

Other than that..

Bekah is getting close to 9 months and is a very fun and busy girl. She keeps me sweeping and vacuuming A LOT, but even then she's always finding SOMETHING to pick up (and put in her mouth).

Yesterday whitetail season opened in our area and Bekah came along on her first hunting trip (nap time).  Jared shot a buck and I'm hoping to get something as well yet.

I've enjoyed designing our Christmas card this year and I look forward to getting some Christmas shopping in, hopefully soon.
Riding in the grain buggy with cousin Ethan

Driving :)

Look at me, ma!

Bundled up at the Riders Game

Mommy's snow angel

Sweetest grin

Getting into ALL the cupboards :)

Thursday, 9 October 2014

7 Months

This past weekend my baby girl hit the 7 month mark. 
I cannot believe it. 
She is growing up too fast!

Her favorite things include:

Standing. Anywhere. If she's feeling adventurous, she will hang on with only one hand and give a big proud-of-herself grin. :)

Exploring. She enjoying crawling everywhere and finding something new to chew on.

Talking. She has been repeatedly saying "mama" and "dada" and "nana"(banana??) I don't know if she knows exactly what she is saying.. but it kind of seems like it, she uses them in the right context, so...? Who knows :)

Bath time. It is super fun for her, but rather tiring for me! Why did we buy such a deep bath tub?!! My little one is such a squirmy wiggler I have to lean over the tub and try to hold her while she tries to flop on her tummy and crawl/swim (swawll??) all over the tub. 

 Happy 7 Months Baby Girl!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Anniversary Date

So...Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary was this past Monday, but we actually chose to celebrate Sunday instead. Jared's sister graciously babysat our sweetheart while we went out for a couple hours. So how does one celebrate such an occasion after having a baby? Answer: We keep the date local and short. We played mini golf at the same place we had our very first date ever then we went around to a few different restaurants where we enjoyed delicious appetizers. We also picked up some yummy icecream for movie night at home :)

Jared being a goof

I'm danger-jess with a golf club!

We had different challenges at different holes such as having to use the opposite hand or having to bank the ball of of each of the walls. This challenge was to put with a "pool cue"

Posing with the brown bear

Mr Wilson

Mrs Wilson

Miso house for sushi! Yes,'s delicious!!!!

Slurppy soup

Crazy Boy Rolld

Houston Pizza for garlic shrimp and a salad

Tomato Lips

Wings and winks at Original Joes

Monday, 22 September 2014

Donuts, Harvest, Baby, 5K

So.. I've been meaning to make donuts ALL summer, but hadn't gotten around to it until this past week.
Something about an old grain truck. :)

I know this picture is blurry, I really wish it wasn't, but I still like this picture anyway. I was a little too embarrassed to be snapping phone pics in front of grandpa that I wasn't going to retake it just because it turned out blurry. Anyways...While Bekah and I were waiting for a combine ride Grandpa K kept us company. Grandparents have a way of simplifying life. They say it like it is and tell of how it used to be. I like that.  

Daddy's girl.
This is a house in town that is being torn down. They are taking off smaller sections at a time and in the process it reminds me of a doll house. How fun!

This girl has been pulling herself up to stand! We lowered he crib because both Jared and I have found her hanging on to the railing.. crazy kiddo.

In this picture I think my little sweetheart looks just like her daddy did when he was a baby!

This past Saturday Jared's sister and I  ran a 5K together, I ran pushing Bekah in her stroller. It was such a beautiful day for a run and afterwards we enjoyed eating a BIG breakfast at Humpty's to fill our hollow legs.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Our Week

Enjoying Labour Day with a trek out in the Coulees 

Bekah got her new high chair in the mail this week. I love it so far! It doesn't take up much space in our small kitchen/dining room and Bekah doesn't mind staying still in it (for now!)

On September 4th Bekah turned 6 months. We celebrated by going to her cousin's birthday party :)

We enjoyed a visit from some family this weekend. Unfortunately by the end of the weekend both babies were sick :(

Monday, 25 August 2014

33 Random Facts About Me

1. One of my absolute favorite foods is home made chicken noodle soup.. mmmm delish!
2. My favorite season is spring.
3. My least favorite season is second winter.
4. I try to drink lots of water each day, that usually means frequent trips to the bathroom.
5. I live in a house that was likely built in the 1920's, however nobody seems to know when it was ACTUALLY built. It's a unique house that has a trap door leading to a dirt basement.
6. I love baking. Probably about 10 times more than I like cooking, although I am starting to enjoy cooking more.
7. My mood is usually connected to the weather outside.
8. I enjoy some good ol' classic hymns.
9. Today is laundry day, although I'm not actually organized enough to have an official laundry day. Laundry gets done when laundry needs to get done.
10. I don't drink coffee, I prefer tea..but not red rose or earl grey.
11. I have recently discovered that I like squash. The closest I got to eating squash as a kid was chocolate zucchini cake.
12. I have a sweet tooth.
13. I like tupperware.
14. I am 5 feet and 5.5 inches tall.. my husband is exactly 6 inches taller than me.
15. My favorite thing to wear is a hoodie and shorts
16. I like instagram
17. A very productive day in my house is usually followed by a couple of relaxing days :)
18. I love fresh veggies and fruit from the garden! So freesssssshhhh!
19. I have contacts and glasses, but I only wear contacts while playing sports. I feel naked without my glasses.
20. Sometimes I get crazy urges to go back to Pre Cal class.. I love math 8)
21. I love reading my Bible every morning while Bekah naps, it's refreshing!
22. I love music, a large variety of music!
23. I chose to cloth diaper my bebe.. It's kind of a hobby :)
24. For probably about 1/2 a year in grade 4 I slept underneath my bed.. yup.
25. I also used to sleep in my awesome tree house all summer long as a kid :) Those were the days!
26. I've sported 3 hair perms back in the day
27. I've also had a mohawk
28. I'm a provincial track and field champion
29. I cruise around with a double stroller, but only one kid..haha
30. I'm a country girl living in town for the time being. We thankfully live on the edge of town and I can sometimes see horses in the field from my window...soo..
31. Both of our vehicles are teal colored.
32. Today I bought a zucchini.. not sure what I'll do with it yet
33. I love chai tea lattes, especially from Starbucks or Urban Grounds

Monday, 11 August 2014

Random Pictures From This Past Week

This is why they put seat belts on bouncy seats.

First coat of mud.. Notice there is no toilet? Don't even ask what we did for the 4 days without one :s

Nom Nom Nom

Today I cut up a 5 gallon pail full of little apples to freeze.. Lots of work, but I know we'll enjoy having them all winter long!

Green beans, to be blanched and added to freezer!

This girl LOVES to play outside!