So... What's new with me?
Well, as of today I am 37 weeks along!! This pregnancy has been flying by. I'm trying to prepare myself as best as I can for the baby that is due very soon. All the baby essentials have been washed and are ready to go. The baby's hospital bag is packed and so is Bekah's (for her stay at her grandparents). I've been feeling all the typical nesting urges (clean the whole house, and pack the freezer with food!) I've been trying to not stress out and remember that although there will be tough days ahead, God will give me the strength for each day. I just need to take it one day at a time. :)
Practicing to be a BIG SISTER! |
Another thing that recently has been keeping me busy is potty training... yup, POTTY TRAINING!
You probably think I'm a bit crazy, and I probably am, but that's what we "officially" started yesterday. When B was about 13 or 14 months old I bought a little potty seat for our toilet. I was just curious to see what she'd do with it because she seemed to be interested and curious about what was mom or dad was doing on the toilet. To our surprise after putting her on there she pushed out a little turd and then started peeing.
Since then she has old us many times when she needs to poop and we rush her there usually with a successful turd in the toilet. I honestly wasn't planning on trying to train her before this newborns arrival, but a friend convinced me to give it a go!
Our approach is no bottoms on at home and frequent trips to her little potty. Today was day 2 and she was has been doing really good! She had a few accidents on day 1, but today she only had 2 accidents, and we even left the house several times (in undies, NOT diapers)! I'm hoping we can establish potty training well enough in these next few weeks so that we don't regress when the baby comes, but again, I'm trying not to stress about any of this. The thing that has helped probably more than anything is that I've been praying for God's patience, and I've definitely noticed I've been way more patient and calm than usual. God is good :)
Reading on the potty |