Tuesday, 19 May 2015

A Real Saskatchewan Branding

A couple of weekends ago Jared got asked to come help out at a branding. We know the family from Church and Bekah and I were also invited to come along and share in the fun and the lunch afterwards. This was my (and Bekah's) first time seeing a branding and I thought it was really cool. I was surprised and impressed to find out that brandings are such a community event around here. They say you could probably go help out at a branding nearly everyday for a few weeks around here, and many people do. There were probably about 20 or so extra people helping; they were doing anything from roping, wrestling, immunizing, branding, treating for worms, and spray painting the finished calves.  The family has about 200 cow/calf pairs and it took them a few hours to finish branding all the calves.
*Also, I need to add that I didn't take any of these pictures

Burn baby burn
One of their young daughters was doing most of the spray painting.
Jared had a lot of fun wresting the calves.
Wearing our matching yellow boots :)
Bekah loved seeing all the horses and cows!


  1. So neat to make it a community event. Not too many of those anymore.

  2. Thanks, but i didn't take them, I stole them from the rancher's wife :)
