Saturday, 6 June 2015

Spontaneous Camping Trip

 Yesterday after supper Jared and I decided to camp at the lake for night. We packed in record time and then scoped out a sweet spot on the beach. Despite Bekah not being able to fall asleep until almost 11, we all managed to sleep fairly well. 
Getting everything set up
Beautiful sunset

We roasted marshmellows over the fire and fried bacon with a flat rock Jared found

In the morning I was just about to open the zipper for the tent when out of a sudden a mouse runs in front of us INSIDE the tent. I scream and tell Jared. He throws everything out of the tent in search of this mouse that wiggled its way into our tent :S
Beach babe

Little cutie loved being outside all morning

Momma and daughter :)


  1. Looks like fun! (Minus the mouse). You're one cool mom. ;)

    1. Thanks, haha.. Jared and I both tend to be spur-of-the-moment type people. Hope you're doing well! Davis is soooo cute :)
